Area educational institutions partner to bring Melissa Harris-Perry as 马丁·路德·金活动期间的演讲者

灵魂 events on January 17 have been canceled due to weather.

作家兼教育家梅丽莎·哈里斯-佩里将担任 keynote speaker at a West Michigan community event to commemorate 牧师的生平和遗产. Dr. 马丁·路德·金.  

哈里斯-佩里将于下午6点发言.m. 1月15日在 38th annual community celebration at 圣泉reet Church, 24 圣泉. 在大急流城东北部. 该活动免费向公众开放. 

A longstanding partnership among Davenport University, Grand Rapids Community College and Grand Valley State University makes it possible for Harris-Perry to visit West Michigan for the 社区活动和另外两场演讲.

Melissa Harris-Perry will give three presentations in West Michigan to 纪念这位牧师的一生和遗产. Dr. 马丁·路德·金.

Harris-Perry is the Maya Angelou Presidential Chair at Wake Forest University in the Department of Politics and International Affairs, the Department of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, and the Program in Environment and Sustainability.

她是Anna Julia的创始人和总裁 Cooper Center, whose mission is to advance justice through 跨学科的学术和行动. 哈里斯-佩里是 the award-winning books "Barbershops, Bibles, and BET: Everyday Talk and Black Political Thought" and "Sister Citizen: 羞耻、刻板印象与美国黑人女性."

GVSU校长Philomena V. 曼特拉说她是 grateful to leaders at Davenport and GRCC for their continued commitment to bringing a national speaker to Grand Rapids to give 对马丁·路德·金所传达的信息的洞察力和相关性. 

“At a time when our world is filled with violence and conflict, it’s more important than ever to reflect on and be 受到博士的生活和经验的启发. 曼特拉说. “Higher education plays an important role in developing inclusivity and equity and we’re honored to partner with GRCC and Davenport on 这个重要的事件.”

达文波特公司总裁理查德. 帕帕斯说:“它 gives me hope that, despite our societal struggles that could discourage us, we come together as a community and commit publicly 包容多元. 我们在关节中找到力量 mission to keep fighting injustice and magnifying what we know to be 很好,我们听到的是. 马丁·路德·金永恒的启示." 

GRCC主席查尔斯·莱珀说 celebrates King's life and legacy, he "encourages our community to reflect on how we can work together to create a more just and 公平的社会."

“联合起来,我们就有力量去培育 a profound sense of belonging and establish an inclusive, hospitable, and respectful environment not only within our campuses 而且遍及全球,”莱珀说.

Community sponsors for the January 15 event at Fountain Street Church include the Amway Grand Plaza Hotel, Consumers Energy, Corewell Health, Foster Swift,商业银行,以及 华纳诺克罗斯贾德律师事务所 .

发生的事件 博天堂官方, 包括哈里斯-佩里的演讲, 纪念马丁·路德·金的活动将持续到1月20日. 哈里斯-佩里将在 达文波特大学1月16日.


大峡谷的一系列事件将持续到 1月20日. 详细说明如下.

Dar Mayweather, '07 and '09, will give a 主题演讲 on January 17 在柯克霍夫中心.


GVSU graduate Dar Mayweather, '07 and '09, will give a 主题演讲. 梅威瑟是一个包容性的创始人 领导力咨询业务; 做好工作 他是哈佛大学领导研究学院的一名教员 北卡罗来纳大学威尔明顿分校.

他的演讲时间是1月17日,周三下午4:30.m. 在柯克霍夫中心大河室. 该事件发生在 默哀游行,下午4点开始.m. 这两个活动都是免费的 向公众开放.

梅威瑟教授领导者包容策略 allow colleges and university stakeholders to close the gap between 他们的意图和行动. 他获得了学士学位 criminal justice and a master's degree in higher education administration from 博天堂官方, and an MBA certificate and a doctoral 东密歇根大学教育学学位. 

塔丽塔·约翰逊,人才和公司高级副总裁 Diversity at The Right Place in Grand Rapids, will give a presentation on 1月18日.


塔丽塔·约翰逊,人才和公司高级副总裁 Diversity at The Right Place in Grand Rapids, will weave together 她的故事和牧师的遗产. Dr. 马丁·路德·金. in a presentation sponsored jointly by the Hauenstein Center for Presidential Studies and the 包容与公平司.

约翰逊的演讲将在1月18日,星期四, 下午5点开始.m. 在德沃斯中心,卢斯莫尔礼堂. 主题演讲结束后,酒会将于下午6点开始.m. 这个事件 是否免费向公众开放. 需要回复. People attending virtually will be sent a Zoom webinar 注册后链接.

在2021年加入The Right Place之前,Johnson served as the director of the Career Center at Calvin University. She oversaw the center’s career coaching, employer relations, event 以及市场分析和评估. 她对 cross-divisionally creating and launching a career and life skills 项目,Calvin LifeWork. 

Team 梦想 will be screened followed by a panel discussion twice on 1月18日.


Team 梦想, the first documentary short from the 2022 Queen Collective program, was produced by Queen Latifah and directed 由Luchina Fisher制作.

影片放映后将有一个评委会 1月18日上午11:30分两次讨论.m. 在柯克霍夫中心 马奎特先生的房间,晚上7点.m. 在洛斯莫尔的德沃斯中心 Auditorium (following TaRita Johnson's presentation and reception).

费希尔的电影跟随安·史密斯和玛德琳·墨菲 Rabb, who are 82 and 77 years old, respectively, revealing that nothing — not age, not race and certainly not Chicago’s notorious weather — will stop them from training for the 2022 National Senior Games, where they will likely be the two of the few Black women 参加游泳比赛. “活到老,学到老。 梦想." A decade after joining Team 梦想, a Chicago-based organization training women of color in swimming, biking and triathlon, Smith and Rabb continue to reach goals they never thought possible.

参加小组讨论的有安·史密斯和 德里克·米利根,史密斯和拉伯的教练. Milligan创立了团队 梦想, a triathlon training network for women of color. 小组成员 will discuss access to water and race, particularly during the 上午11点半的小组讨论.m. 在柯克霍夫中心,神父 马奎特的房间.


马丁·路德·金. 服务和团结日是一个 national day of service where campuses across America gather together to serve and stand in solidarity with their communities in 博士荣誉. 马丁·路德·金. 每年,这个活动都是 coordinated by the Office of Student Life: Civic Engagement in collaboration with the 灵魂 Week Executive Planning Committee. 详细信息和RSVP的链接在网上发布.


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