Grand Valley ‘Firsts’

The lore behind
Lakers, Louie, logo and more

Grand Valley ‘Firsts’

The lore behind
Lakers, Louie, logo
and more


刚成立60多年的格兰德谷大学是一所富有传统的年轻学府. 重温你对湖人队的热爱,了解你最喜欢的校园地标背后的故事, trivia and traditions.

Louie the Laker/
the Great Laker

虽然“湖人”这个名字在1965年被确定下来,但在吉祥物出现之前还过了一段时间. 路易的第一个版本“伟大的湖人”诞生于1977年,由80年代的丹·卡斯尔(Dan Castle)饰演. 人们对路易的反应是积极的,他担任了三年这个角色. The Great Laker became Louie the Laker in 1996, 感谢前体育主管蒂姆·塞尔戈和体育部的其他人. 从那以后,路易经历了许多美容调整:从一个3英尺高的泡沫头, 到90年代末塞尔戈所说的更“体面”的路易, all the way up to today’s Louie. 

Becoming the Lakers

1965年又举行了一场比赛:这次是要提出一个昵称. Options included Warriors, Bluejays, Archers, Voyagers, 渥太华和bruiser(基于Grand Valley学校的颜色). 由学生安妮·凯特·麦克唐纳提交的书面建议,湖人队获胜. 十年后,一个特别工作组建议将绰号改为索耶斯. 这个名字来自格兰德河沿岸的木材厂,它们构成了19世纪艾伦代尔最大的工业,” a memo read. 然而,教职员工投票决定保留湖人队的绰号.


Louie the Laker/
the Great Laker

虽然“湖人”这个名字在1965年被确定下来,但在吉祥物出现之前还过了一段时间. 路易的第一个版本“伟大的湖人”诞生于1977年,由80年代的丹·卡斯尔(Dan Castle)饰演. 人们对路易的反应是积极的,他担任了三年这个角色. The Great Laker became Louie the Laker in 1996, 感谢前体育主管蒂姆·塞尔戈和体育部的其他人. 从那以后,路易经历了许多美容调整:从一个3英尺高的泡沫头, 到90年代末塞尔戈所说的更“体面”的路易, all the way up to today’s Louie. 

Becoming the Lakers

1965年又举行了一场比赛:这次是要提出一个昵称. Options included Warriors, Bluejays, Archers, Voyagers, 渥太华和bruiser(基于Grand Valley学校的颜色). 由学生安妮·凯特·麦克唐纳提交的书面建议,湖人队获胜. 十年后,一个特别工作组建议将绰号改为索耶斯. 这个名字来自格兰德河沿岸的木材厂,它们构成了19世纪艾伦代尔最大的工业,” a memo read. 然而,教职员工投票决定保留湖人队的绰号.

Live from Allendale

Grand Valley’s early entertainment

Despite its rural location, Grand Valley was visited by artists like Bob Seger, Tina Turner, Carlos Santana, the Eagles, Aerosmith, Genesis and more before they were superstars. Alumni Jeff Eckstrom ‘79, who frequently worked as an EMT at the concerts, 回忆起乡村音乐大师约翰·哈特福德的表演, incidentally, backed his rental car into the Fieldhouse Dome. 当愤怒的官员寻找责任人时,哈特福德承认了. 传说他们1974年10月在艾伦代尔演出时, 史密斯飞船乐队首次现场演奏了他们的热门歌曲《博天堂官方网页》.

Send your recollections and photos to [email protected] for a future Grand Valley Magazine story.

circa 1970s, Bob Seger and saxophonist in concert
circa 1970s, singer on stage

Live from Allendale

Grand Valley’s early entertainment

Despite its rural location, Grand Valley was visited by artists like Bob Seger, Tina Turner, Carlos Santana, the Eagles, Aerosmith, Genesis and more before they were superstars. Alumni Jeff Eckstrom ‘79, who frequently worked as an EMT at the concerts, 回忆起乡村音乐大师约翰·哈特福德的表演, incidentally, backed his rental car into the Fieldhouse Dome. 当愤怒的官员寻找责任人时,哈特福德承认了. 传说他们1974年10月在艾伦代尔演出时, 史密斯飞船乐队首次现场演奏了他们的热门歌曲《博天堂官方网页》.

Do you have a memorable experience
from a Grand Valley concert?
Send your recollections and photos
to [email protected] for a
future Grand Valley Magazine story.

circa 1970s, Bob Seger and saxophonist in concert
circa 1970s, singer on stage with microphone

Legend of the Logo

1963年,举办了一场设计学院公章的比赛. The contest received 60 submissions, but according to legend, 比赛的获奖标志是在大学邮箱里发现的——匿名的, without a postmark. 100美元的奖金被捐赠给了GVSU奖学金基金. 学生们投票选择了浅蓝色、黑色和白色三种校色.



Legend of the Logo

1963年,举办了一场设计学院公章的比赛. The contest received 60 submissions, but according to legend, 比赛的获奖标志是在大学邮箱里发现的——匿名的, without a postmark. 100美元的奖金被捐赠给了GVSU奖学金基金. 学生们投票选择了浅蓝色、黑色和白色三种校色.


Building the Carillon

很难想象库克·卡里隆塔不是艾伦代尔校区的标志的时代. On November 14, 1994, a dedication ceremony was held for the tower, which was built in the center of campus. 它包含48个由荷兰著名的钟铸造厂Royal eijsouts制作的钟. President Emeritus Arend D. 荷兰前首相也加入了吕贝尔斯的行列, Ruud Lubbers, 他后来获得了大峡谷大学的名誉法学博士学位. 

Following the dedication, 来自密歇根大学的一位来访的传教士演唱了几首歌曲, 迷人的与会者独特的音调和风格的钟声. In an October 1994 issue of faculty/staff newsletter Forum, 音乐系主席和长期的carillonneur朱莉安·范登·温嘉德指出,虽然塔本身很漂亮, “In the purest sense of the term, a carillon is a musical instrument.2024年,库克卡里隆塔将迎来30周年纪念,并继续为校园里的所有地方注入音乐. 


First woman athlete to
receive a scholarship

Despite being a relatively young institution, 大山谷大学是密歇根州第一所向女运动员颁发奖学金的大学:78届的唐娜·萨斯·伊顿大学. 

In 1974, 距格兰德谷大学体育运动开始已有十年之久, Eaton received the scholarship to play basketball, softball and volleyball. Eaton went on to earn 11 varsity letters. 1993年,她入选了GVSU体育名人堂. Reflecting on her scholarship, Eaton said she feels grateful, 因为这让她走上了支持下一代运动员的道路. “20年来,我能够继续担任教练,并与女孩和年轻女性分享对运动的热爱,” Eaton said.

Donna Sass Eaton in softball uniform, circa 1970s

Donna Sass Eaton in softball uniform, circa 1970s

First woman athlete to
receive a scholarship

Despite being a relatively young institution, 大山谷大学是密歇根州第一所向女运动员颁发奖学金的大学:78届的唐娜·萨斯·伊顿大学. 

In 1974, 距格兰德谷大学体育运动开始已有十年之久, Eaton received the scholarship to play basketball, softball and volleyball. Eaton went on to earn 11 varsity letters. 1993年,她入选了GVSU体育名人堂. Reflecting on her scholarship, Eaton said she feels grateful, 因为这让她走上了支持下一代运动员的道路. “20年来,我能够继续担任教练,并与女孩和年轻女性分享对运动的热爱,” Eaton said.

The first
international Laker

1963年,大峡谷大学迎来了第一位国际学生,来自伊朗的马吉德·艾哈迈迪·特拉尼. 德黑兰参加了大峡谷大学的先锋班,这显示了该大学对全面教育的承诺, even in its earliest days. According to Underneath the Arches, a faculty/staff newsletter, 这位19岁的伊朗艺术家曾多次获奖,874 miles to attend Grand Valley. 

In 1969, 博天堂官方大学将第一批学生送往英国兰开斯特大学,并在梅里达建立了一个项目, Mexico. International programs have grown alongside Grand Valley, and in 2023, GVSU hosted 629 international students, and sent 481 Lakers abroad.

three people standing in front of house, tall man in center

Grand Valley’s
first computer

“When I became president in 1969 and arrived on campus, there was no computer,” President Emeritus Arend D. Lubbers said. “One of the first things I wanted to do was to buy one.“认识到该机构在技术进步方面落后于曲线, Lubbers made the purchase: a computer with 64K of memory, a small fraction of what is found in today’s computers. Grand Valley’s first computer sat in Manitou Hall, 该机构继续将技术创新作为优先事项.

two people look at a folder, early computer in background
circa 1970s computer room
two people look at a folder, early computer in background
circa 1970s computer room

Grand Valley’s first computer

“When I became president in 1969 and arrived on campus, there was no computer,” President Emeritus Arend D. Lubbers said. “One of the first things I wanted to do was to buy one.“认识到该机构在技术进步方面落后于曲线, Lubbers made the purchase: a computer with 64K of memory, a small fraction of what is found in today’s computers. Grand Valley’s first computer sat in Manitou Hall, 该机构继续将技术创新作为优先事项.


Don Lubbers by Mark Wilkens, oil on canvas, 2001. GVSU Permanent Collection.

Don Lubbers by Mark Wilkens, oil on canvas, 2001. GVSU Permanent Collection.

Let there be art

President Emeritus Arend D. 卢伯斯在大峡谷留下了印记,他实施了一项政策,即每一栋建筑都应该是一个艺术画廊. 回忆起他走过走廊的那一刻,那是一座崭新的欧塞伯尔大厅, Lubbers said, “I thought to myself, this is so sterile. It needs art on the walls.” In the years to come, 他亲自购买校友的艺术品,后来确保所有新建筑的预算都包括用于艺术品的资金. 格兰德山谷现在拥有密歇根州第二大公共艺术收藏, behind only the Detroit Institute of Arts.


Don Lubbers by Mark Wilkens, oil on canvas, 2001. GVSU Permanent Collection.

Don Lubbers by Mark Wilkens, oil on canvas, 2001. GVSU Permanent Collection.

Let there be art

President Emeritus Arend D. 卢伯斯在大峡谷留下了印记,他实施了一项政策,即每一栋建筑都应该是一个艺术画廊. 回忆起他走过走廊的那一刻,那是一座崭新的欧塞伯尔大厅, Lubbers said, “I thought to myself, this is so sterile. It needs art on the walls.” In the years to come, 他亲自购买校友的艺术品,后来确保所有新建筑的预算都包括用于艺术品的资金. 格兰德山谷现在拥有密歇根州第二大公共艺术收藏, behind only the Detroit Institute of Arts.



Transforming Michigan's Future

GVSU continues to ride a wave of momentum, focusing on growth, 敏捷性和相关性,因为我们毕业的决策者和批判性思想家将使我们的世界变得更美好.

1970 photo of freshman Laker football team

The Toughest Yard
